Cultivating Belief

There is one thing that all of my clients have in common. 

I believe in them.


If I didn't believe they could achieve their most ambitious goals, I wouldn't work with them. Period.

But often THEY don't believe.

They have a hard time seeing their future selves in a place of alignment in their career.

They're used to pushing and grinding and forcing themselves to rise in their careers.

And all of that pushing still hasn't gotten them what they really want.




The chance to be in their Zone of Genius.

The only way to get THERE is to BELIEVE that you can.

I want to help people cultivate belief in themselves and their goals because we've all been trained to find reasons why we shouldn't get what we want. 

Fuck that.


Belief is what got you where you are right now.

Belief is what put that roof over your head.

Belief is what brought those people you love into your life.

Belief is what kept you working and moving forward in your career.

And BELIEF is what is going to get you to the next level.

Cultivating belief (in yourself, your capabilities and your dreams) will:

  • Give you the confidence to ask for things you want and need

  • Bring new important people into your orbit because your belief and confidence shines so brightly

  • Allow you to go for things that feel out of reach

  • Give permission to others to shine brightly

As I build belief in myself and my mission, I feel a huge sense of RELIEF. 

Cultivating belief has finally allowed me to stop beating myself up. 

It's much less painful to tell myself why I CAN do something instead of why I can't. 

It's much more fun to believe I will achieve my biggest goals.

Even if I never do.

The journey to trying to achieve the impossible is way more fun than the journey of regretting that I never tried.

I want to see what I'm capable of.


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