Client Spotlight: Sara Llopis

Sara Llopis is the CEO and Founder of Senses and Beyond. A beautiful handcrafted botanical skincare brand which contains only natural and organic ingredients. 

Senses and Beyond was a dream Sara felt was so big it would never come true. 

When I first met Sara, I was blown away by her vision but she felt overwhelmed by it. In her own words, Sara approached me because: 

"I felt scared, stuck and lost. Hesitating even to admit to myself and others what I was dreaming of building because I thought it was too big and too crazy to actually do it."

From our first session together, it was clear Sara felt trapped between her thoughts of what she should be doing and what she wanted to do. She had been working in botanicals and had just launched a product line with a friend, but she was acting like it was a hobby and denying herself the possibility that it could be a legitimate business. 

She had a fear of rejection and the negative voice in her head was telling her it was silly to believe this could be a real thing. Sara and I worked on belief and confidence and we laid the groundwork for launching her skin-care brand.

“I realised that many things I saw as flaws were my biggest assets. I discovered new aspects of my personality I had not properly paid attention to. I learned how to flow and trust the process, and the pulse of expansion-contraction that comes with getting out of your comfort zone. And I reaffirmed that being an entrepreneur and building my own business was what I wanted to do, what I came here to do."

Within three months of working together, Sara completed the handmade formulas for five products. Then as she began to embody her skincare dream, we started working on the tactics for growing her business: operational costs, profit margins, marketing, and sales strategies. 

"Working with Jaime felt like a short, intense and personalised entrepreneurial course that gave me invaluable practical tools to build the foundations of a new business. Jaime helped me create a working structure with tactics that worked for me. She helped me keep the momentum and the big vision. Thanks to her incredible network, sensitivity and vast experience, she knew who to connect me with. On each of our calls, something in me felt life shifting and expanding, and I felt more grounded in my energy and visions than ever.” 

Sara and I are still working together. She moved from one-on-one coaching into my monthly Elevate program which includes coaching and group calls with other entrepreneurial peers. She has stepped into her role as leader, she has a small and talented team of artists she’s collaborating with and she was just featured in Glamour magazine.

My approach with clients like Sara is to break down barriers and combine mindset training with tactical methods to set up a successful business. 

I am certain Senses and Beyond will be hugely successful, and combined with Sara's vision, the sky’s the limit for this uplifting wellness brand. 

Jaime Gennaro is a business coach and consultant who helps entrepreneurs launch and grow businesses, with joy and balance. Set up a free discovery call with Jaime to see if business coaching is what you need to finally bring your dreams of being a business owner to life.


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